TLC loves… moving offices
22nd December 2016

We let you know in October that we were looking for new premises. It’s taken longer than we wanted, but we’re delighted to let you know that over the Christmas break we’ll be moving just a few blocks along to Parkhill Studio (yes, the lovely office in the picture above). There’s lots of room for […]
What not to do when you run your own business
14th December 2016

December feels like a funny month doesn’t it? People can be very focused on Christmas which can mean that not a lot gets achieved. And with the end of the calendar year approaching it’s a good time to take stock and do some thinking about your business. We know only too well that it’s easy […]
Five tips for starting the New Year without a cash hangover
1st December 2016

With the end of the year fast approaching it’s a logical time to reflect on business performance this year and think about what you want for 2017 too. But while thinking and planning are great things to do, you should also take a few practical steps to make sure you don’t start the New Year […]
TLC’s take on the Autumn Statement 2016
24th November 2016

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you’ll have heard something about yesterday’s Autumn Statement. The first thing to note is that it will be the last Autumn Statement as the Chancellor has decided to move the Budget from March to autumn. That aside, if you run a business there are some key things you […]
Accountancy talent wanted!
18th November 2016

It’s been a bumper year here at TLC and once again we are recruiting to keep pace with our growing client base. You might say we’re looking for the perfect cog to fit our perfectly-oiled machine. We’re on the look-out for a senior accountant to join our dynamic and friendly team, so if you know […]
TLC Top Tips… Getting your Christmas cashflow in shape
4th November 2016

Gosh, is it really November already? No doubt the C word has started to creep into your head – presents, which relatives are visiting and when, do you go for traditional turkey or something different? From a business point of view there are some things you should do to prepare for the festive season too. […]
TLC Loves… taking care of you and your business
4th October 2016

There’s nothing more important than looking after yourself (although we know that when you run a business it can feel like your wellbeing is bottom of the pile!) There are also some really sensible steps you can take to protect your business. This month’s blog focuses on five key things you can do to protect […]
TLC Top Tips – networking
3rd October 2016

October’s top tips were all about building your business through networking. Everyone has their own view of networking, but here are a few things we’ve learned during our years of attending lunches, drinks receptions and breakfast briefings. 1. Find a network that suits you – it is literally possible to network at any time of […]
TLC Top tips.. making the most of director’s allowances
5th September 2016

If you run a limited company there’s a wide range of things you can buy as legitimate business expenses which come off your taxable profits, ultimately reducing your tax bill. Here are five ideas of ways to make the most of these allowable director’s expenses. 1. Accommodation, food and drink for directors’ meetings It is […]
TLC Loves… recruiting
9th June 2016

Could you be the next amazing cog in our well-oiled machine? We’re on the look out for some new recruits! If you are an accountant and keen to work in a small (but perfectly-formed, even if we do say so ourselves) accountancy practice with an emphasis on customer care, read on. We’re looking for a […]